Thursday, September 16, 2010

Since very young, I was introduced to the rich Japanese culture, and soon started to fall in love with it. Since my father is fluent in Japanese and travels to Japan often for business reasons, he occasionally taught me basic Japanese and introduced me to many aspects of Japanese culture. What is more, I soon began to love J-Pop, and so not only have started I listening to J-Pop, but also singing many artists' songs such as Utada Hikaru's "Flavor of Life," Thelma Aoyama's "wasurenaiyo," Ito Yuna's "Precious," and more. In addition, I particularly liked a Japanese drama "Hana Yori Dango," so I have always wanted to understand what the characters were saying without subtitles. Besides, I would like to go to Japan for a few months next summer, spending time there learning about many things and experiencing the rich Japanese culture. I am so excited to be able to read and write in Japanese, but at the same time, I know that doing so would not be easy, for there will be many vocabs that I would have to memorize and learn. But, with my love for Japanese, I am sure that I will be able to overcome all these difficulties! :)


  1. こんばんわ。HOMINです。わたしもうただひかるのFirst Loveがすきです。わたしのブログのなまえはNihongonogakuseiです。よろしくおねがいします

  2. I listen to Utada Hikaru a lot. I think her music is good practice for understanding Japanese (like her song Colors).

    And, I love Hana Yori Dango! That's pretty much THE show I want to watch again without subtitles.

  3. I listened to Utada Hikaru too! I've never heard "Flavor of Life," but I know "First Love" and the Kingdom Hearts songs, "Sanctuary" and "Simple and Clean." =D

  4. みんなうただひかるがだいすきです!!^^

  5. わたしもうただひかるの"First Love"がだいすきです。I actually got to know that song because my sister always sings it at the karaoke!

  6. こんにちは Angela!

    I was such a big fan of J-Pop in middle school but I've since kind of stopped listening to it 24/7. If it comes up on my playlist I'll still listen to it but I won't go looking for it, I suppose.

    My favorite band is actually Do As Infinity--have you heard of them? They disbanded in 2004 or something I think but I still love them. Fukai Mori is still my favorite Japanese song.

    I love Utada Hikaru too though! I actually found her through the Kingdom Hearts games because she sings the theme (Hikari, or the English version, Simple and Clean).

  7. Utada Hikaru いいてす。She's a staple on my iPod.

  8. Mailing! I love Do as Infinity too!! I got to know them because they sang the theme song in Inuyasha..(long long time ago) hahaha and Fukai mori was one of them! Shinjitsu no uta and rakuen are so good too :)
